Thursday, October 9, 2014

9. Cyber Bullying

I read an article titled "Six Unforgettable Cyber Bullying Cases" that really showed me how cruel people are today. In the article it first gives us some statistics saying that suicide is the third leading cause of death in students today with having approximately 4,400 deaths per year. It also says that 14% of high school students will consider suicide and 7% will actually try to attempt it. Being a victim myself, I can relate to what they are saying. The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development give a definition to bullying saying that, "Bullying is repeated verbal, physical, social or psychological aggressive behavior by a person or group directed towards a less powerful person or group that is intended to cause harm, distress or fear." The following six cases described in the article give examples of just that. Most of the cases  that were listed happened to students who were in middle school or a freshman in high school. One story even described a young man that was bullied in college. In all of the stories the students hung themselves after being ridiculed, taunted, and put down causing them to fall into a state that would make them think suicide was the better option. In two of the stories, it was "friends" that caused the suicide which really shocked me. Through social media, it shows how one little mistake, or even just being who you are, can start a train of torment that almost can't be stopped. Thankfully laws are starting to be put into place to help prevent bullying and hopefully decrease the statistics.

As a teacher, I would explain to my students what bullying is and the consequences of bullying from day one. There would be an entire lesson planned to discuss bullying to try and stop any of my students from becoming one of the people that harms others. I would also discuss to my students that if they are a victim to never stay quiet. Even if it might get you in trouble, or make you embarrassed, they need to tell someone. In the cases I read, a few of the girls their mess up was sending a nude photo to their boyfriends that ended up going everywhere. If I was in that position I know it would be hard to come forward and tell somebody because of what sparked it, however I would reassure my students that I will not judge them on anything and that they need to be able to trust me to help them. Now I know the students I probably will be teaching won't have issues with sending inappropriate photos because they will be in elementary school but the same rules still apply. I want to build a trust with my students so they will feel safe and secure enough to come to me so the problem can be handled accordingly.

8. Common Sense App

The common sense app would be very beneficial to teachers. It gives you rating that would be appropriate for your classroom including tv ratings so a teacher could use a clip from a show, app ratings that would be appropriate for his or her students to use in the classroom, and games that would be appropriate. I love how you can put in the age group you are searching for and then browse through all of the information that would be appropriate for that age group. This could be a powerful tool that teachers could use to better their students classroom while also giving yourself a safety net with the ratings that you are choosing so parents and bosses will be pleased.