Thursday, December 4, 2014

18. It 365 Tuesday Worksheet

1. From Safe Practices for Life Online: A Guide for Middle and High School (2008) - D. Foderman and M. Monroeb. Define:    
       -Pop-ups and Banner Ads- appearing suddenly and temporarily in a new window within or on top of an open window. (    
       -Spyware- software that is installed surreptitiously and gathers information about an internet user's browsing habits, intercepts the user's personal date, etc., transmitting this information to a third party. (    
       -Zombies and Botnets- (roBOT NETwork) Also called a "zombiearmy", a botnet is a large number of compromised computers that are used to generate spam, relay viruses or flood a network or Web server with excessive requests to cause it to fail. (google)    
       -Cookies- a message, or segment of data, containing information about a user, sent by a web server to a browser and sent back to the server each time the browser requests a web page. (    
       -Drive-by-Downloads- means two things, each concerning the unintended download of computer software from the internet: Downloads which a person authorized but without understanding the consequences. (google)     
       -Cramming-  Cache cramming is a method of tricking a computer into running Java code it would not ordinarily run. (     
       -Trojan Horse- One of the most insidious types of Trojan horse is a program that claims to rid your computer of viruses but instead introduces viruses onto your computer. A bug inserted into a program or system designed to be activated after a certain period of time or a certain number of operations.  ( and google)
2. From Transforming Learning with New Technologies (2011)- R. Malloy, R.E. Verock-O'Loughlin, S. A. Edwards, and B.P. Woolfa. Take Pew Internet and American Life Project "What Kind of Tech User are You?" quiz     
       -Results-  You scored better than 81.8% of the public, below 9.9% and the same as 8.3%.
b. Uniform Resource Locator (URL) aka web address- what is the purpose of the following URL designations?     use for companies or businesses (commercial use)     used for non profit organizations like pbs
  . used for government official websites new URL that simply stands for network can be non profit or profit could be any site. ( for education websites like school districts or colleges. used for the military (various branches of the US Armed Forces) (
e. Questions
     -What is the meaning of information literacy for teachers and students?
             - the meaning of information literacy means the basic communication competencies of accessing, analyzing, evaluating and communicating information. Both students and teachers do these steps for information literacy: Planning research or posing a question, organizing a way to search for the answer, finding resources, evaluating the resources and thinking critically about them, expressing the information learned in meaningful ways. As students, this is a process that takes time and they will need to learn however for a teacher this is a process that is generally already ingrained in our heads and therefore our job is just to teach these steps for our students so they can be successful. (

     -What are search engines and how do they work?

             -a computer program that searches documents, especially on the WorldWide Web, for a specified word or words and provides a list of documents in which they are found (

     -What pieces of information do students need to know about Internet searching?

              -the correct steps for information literacy.
              -to know the differences in .com, .edu, .net, and so on.
              -refer to many sites and not just one for a correct answer.
              -know the difference between opinion and fact.
              -don't provide personal information on unknown websites.

     -How can teachers and students thoughtfully evaluate online information resources, including the online encyclopedia Wikipedia?

              -by asking these questions: who made the message and why? what is left out of the message? How might others view the message differently? ( Teachers and Students can also check other sources about the same information and see if the information lines up with one another. Another great thing is to simply check in a book like a textbook or an informational book.

     -How can teachers respond to problems of plagiarism when students use online resources?

              -clearly address what plagiarism is to the students and what can happen if they do plagiarize.
              -explain that in order to get credit for their work, they need to rely on their own ability and not the ability of someone else
              -explain that the teacher will know when they plagiarize.
              -explain that sources can be used and how to properly use quotation marks and citations so that their work is not plagiarized.
              -if plagiarism becomes a problem with a student, get the principle and parents involved to explain to the student what the issue is with plagiarizing.

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