Tuesday, December 9, 2014

20. Final Project: Blogfolio

Introduction Video

The introduction video was something very easy and to the point. It required us to quickly talk about ourselves and what our interests might be in a short video to be posted on our blogs. I didn't really learn anything from this assignment due to the speech class I have taken prior to this class. One good thing about doing a video however is you can retake the video as much as you would like until you have gotten it down. That was my issue for this project. I messed up about three or four times before I finally had my words sorted out in a way that I was truly happy with it. The key to working through this is to not get overwhelmed with impromptu work but to just take a deep breath to sort your thoughts and try again. After I did that, I did my video smoothly. This project would be great to have my students do during that first week of school. It would allow the students to have some fun with technology and also give them the ability to introduce themselves to the class in a way that is a lot less intimidating. The NET-T standard that this project connects to is “promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility” because before the project, I will instruct the students about digital etiquette and what information should be said and what shouldn't be said. This would increase the students’ knowledge of digital citizenship and responsibility and would also give them the change to demonstrate it.

Concept Map

The concept map was a very interesting project for me. I already knew how to create a concept map but I have never used the computer to create one. This project really did teach me how to utilize my resources with technology to create something that is really interesting to look at. Through this project, I created a concept map that I never would have dreamed of making on plain paper. I also loved how we were able to put links on the concept map so when I am teaching I can just click on the word and the video or webpage I wanted to show the class is right there. Now because this was my first time doing a concept map on the computer, it did come with its difficulties. For starters, I didn’t know how to do the description of each topic and had to ask a neighbor to help me. It also took me awhile to figure out how to create the hyperlinks and add pictures to my concept map, but with a little bit of time and effort, I figured out how to correctly work everything either by self-exploration or through the help of another student. This is something I will most definitely use in my classroom. The way this project was set up, I could even slowly add onto it while we are doing a focus unit that way I could get the students involved. After the lesson is complete, I could even get students to create their own concept map from the material that we were going over. Concept Maps like this one would really keep students attention in what I am teaching and would make teaching that topic a lot more organized and fun. The NET-T standard that this project connects to is “facilitate and inspire students learning and creativity” because with a concept map done through the computer, it really puts what the student needs to be learning very clearly in front of them. This can help them organize their thoughts when it comes to the content and through modeling your creativity on a concept map, it would inspire your students to really think about how they would design their own concept map and would let them be creative.


This was both a fun and aggravating assignment. I learned a lot from this particular assignment. It really showed me how to set up a website that was both appealing to the eye and flowed very well from page to page. It also showed me that I have free resources like Google sites to use as a teacher, but this project was very difficult for me to work through because we needed to do this strictly on our own time with our own knowledge. As a class, we needed to figure out how to set up this website on our own. This was very difficult for me to do and if it was not for the digital media classes I took in high school I probably would not have figure out how to correctly set up the website. There were many steps for how to complete it and many of the steps were confusing. How I worked through this project was to use the site help multiple times and by also asking other students who managed to figure out how to do certain requirements for the project. Once all of the hardships were worked out, it was fun to create a website that I will use as a future teacher. I love being able to manage my own site that parents can come to, to get a chance to learn some more about me, keep up with the class homework assignments, but also see their children learning in my classroom. The NET-T standard that this project connects to is “model digital age work and learning” and “engaging in professional growth and leadership” because as a teacher running a classroom website for parents, it will demonstrate how I want the parents to be involved and want them to connect to their students schoolwork. Managing a website will keep me professionally growing and also would demonstrate leadership skills for it to run smoothly. The resources page would also promote learning for the students through fun games and activities.


This project was just simply fun for me to do because I have created many movies using windows live on my own computer. Creating this movie just really let me have fun and express a little bit about me and how I am. It was so much fun sifting through pictures and songs until I just found the perfect combination, but even though I have made several videos before, I have never made one with word slides throughout the video which proved to be a challenge. I quickly found out that I needed to put transitions and picture movement before I put in text slides because if not, the text will get pushed into other slides making it very difficult to read. The fix was simple, but aggravating. I just needed to redo all of the text slides until they fit the movie accordingly. This is something I will most definitely use in my future classroom and I can use it in multiple ways. One way I could utilize this tool is to present the information that we would be learning in class and show the class the video before we started the lesson. Another way I could use this tool, is as a fun project for the students to do. I could really use this as a writing project when they need to start learning how to write a narrative. The NET-T standard that this project connects to is “design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessment” because this project really allows a student to explore a program that could really help their school studies and their technological ability. If this project was used as a narrative writing project, then the teacher could easily assess the student as they read the narrative that would be presented.

Social, Legal, Ethical Issues (Turnitin)

This lesson provided me with great tools that I could use in the future. Due to other classes, I have already used turnitin.com so I already knew how to work it but I never really put much thought into what it really is. Through this project I can see it as a valuable tool to use as a teacher to both demonstrate how serious plagiarism is, but also to check the students work. This assignment didn't really pose any difficultly for me. It was very simply and strait forward work that would only be difficult if you have never written a paper before or if you have never used turnitin.com before. As mentioned above, I would most definitely use this as a teacher. When it comes to plagiarism, it is a very serious topic that is becoming more and more of a problem. Most of the time, students do not understand what plagiarism really means. As a teacher, I could really utilize turnitin.com as a means of showing my students what plagiarism is and how to cite. It would also allow me as a teacher a tool to check a students work and show them what they did wrong and how to fix it. The NET-T standard that this project connects to is “promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility” for obvious reasons. Through turnitin.com a student can learn and know what they are responsible for when it comes to writing and plagiarism which will in turn help them grow in both digital and worldly citizenship.

Web Tools

This project was very helpful for me as a future teacher. I really loved getting useful resources like this one that I could really use to help my future class and myself. The main thing I learned during this project is that I do have resources out there that will not cost me a fortune to use and I don’t need to create my own tests or word documents which will take me longer to do. This project did come with challenges through because I did not know how to run the website at first. It took me some time to first figure out how to work the website then be able to access the work I just created so that other people could see it. This really just took some time and exploring to fix this problem and now I can see it as really valuable sources. As a teacher, I would use these sources to really just benefit myself when it comes to student quizzes, projects, and resources, but I could also use the test maker tool to get students to create their own quizzes to use against each other. The NET-T standard that this project connects to is “design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessment” because I can use these sources as a means of assessing student’s projects and their knowledge on the content of the lesson through quizzes. I could also assess student’s content knowledge by getting them to create their own quizzes and gives them learning experiences on the computer.

Google Assignment

This project was not difficult for me to do at all. In high school, many of the projects, both group and individual, was done on Google docs so I was very familiar about how to work Google docs and Google presentation. The only thing that did trip me up a little bit was the Google groups and that was just a quick explore the tool thing that was easily fixed. Thanks to personal experience, I do know that the Google tools could really be an easy way for students to connect and do group projects. However, as a teacher I’m not sure how much I would really utilize this tool. I’m not a big fan of group work outside of the classroom because you need to rely on other people in order to have a good grade. I do know I could separate it to individuals, but at that point, why have groups to begin with? This is something that I have really been struggling with as a future teacher because of my poor experiences with being in groups including the ones in this class. I honestly do not thing they are beneficial outside of the classroom and only causes unneeded stress on the student, but this would be a great tool if I do choose to have group work. The NET-T standard that this project connects to is “promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility” because it really requires the students to work together and rely on each other to do their part of the assignment. This builds their sense of citizenship and responsibility that is needed not only for group projects or in the digital age but also in life.

Course Evaluation

My experiences in this class really have made me see technology in a new way. Before this class started, I really disliked technology. I hated using websites for homework assignments or using technology in general for any project besides typing up a paper or doing research. This class has really shown me how to embrace technology and how to effectively use it in the classroom that will both benefit the students and me.

My strong point when it comes to technology is knowing how to figure things out. This probably comes from me hating to read the control instructions for video games. It never fails, every time I would buy a new video game, I would immediately put it in and figure out the controls on my own instead of looking up how to work it. This made it fun to really explore and experiment for the first ten to twenty minutes of gameplay. This way of thinking really moves over to other things in technology. Without my drive to want to know how to do something or having the ability to explore and experiment, I probably wouldn't have made it through this class. This quality of mine could really help me as a teacher when it comes to new technology programs.

My weak point when it comes to technology is just my inexperience with using it. It is just really hard to work through something that you are unfamiliar with. Everyone has that one thing that really doesn't make sense to them and my nemesis would be technology. Simply programs like the ones we learned in this class I can effectively navigate and could really use in the future because of the simplicity of it, however if something happened to the computer there is no way I would be able to fix it or know how to really get around the issue. I also wouldn't be able to work difficult programs without the help of someone else.

The easiest way to fix my weak areas is to just take more time to really get familiar with how to work all forms of technology. For computers programs, this can be done by allowing someone to help me until I become familiar with the program to where I can work on my own, or I can simply take more computer classes that will teach me how to really embrace what I can do on a computer. For other technology that I will be using as a teacher such as a projector, I really just need to read up on or ask an experienced person how to work the machine and also how to fix it if something were to go wrong in the middle of class.

Thanks to this class I really plan on integrating a lot more technology that I originally thought. For myself as a teacher, I would really utilize the web tools to make my life as a teacher easier and Google sites to really get the parents involved with their students. Parent involvement, especially at the younger ages, is really critical to a child’s learning. For the student, I can really utilize the projects like the movie maker to really give students a chance to be creative in the classroom instead of just sitting at their desks writing. I will also give them options like allowing them to do power points, commercials, or other materials that can be filmed or created to demonstrate their creativity and knowledge of the subject. The most important thing I would do would be to create the introduction videos that first week of school so that I as the teacher will know a little more about them, and also provides that icebreaker for that student to really socialize with their other classmates.

For the grades I want to teach, I would not use e-Portfolios or Blogs in my classroom; however I do see the value in using them. It would allow students to connect and all be a part of one group. For the teacher, everything could be organized and easily accessed with the touch of a button, but I honestly think this is for the higher level grades, middle school and up. The grades that I want to be teaching (no higher than the fifth grade) would not benefit them and would just provide another assignment or complication to their already busy day. In my opinion, at that age, it’s not really something they should be associating with. The first grade I could really see this being beneficial in would be the sixth grade.

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